Prof. Ilana Nisky received all her academic degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University as a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow, she returned to BGU in 2014 and established the Biomedical Robotics Lab. She is now a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at BGU and the Principal Investigator for rehabilitation with haptic interfaces at the Negev Translational Neurorehabilitation Lab at Adi-Negev Nahalat Eran. She is the recipient of the 2019 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Early Academic Career Award, the 2021 Neural Control of Movement Society Early Career Award, of the Alon fellowship by the Israeli Council of High Education, the Toronto award for excellence in research, and was selected as one of 40 promising young Israelis by TheMarker magazine. Her research interests include human motor control, haptics, robotics, human and machine learning, teleoperation, and robot-assisted surgery. Nisky authored more than 80 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and numerous abstracts in international conferences, for which she received several Best Paper and Best Poster awards. She is an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Haptics and IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation.