Daniel Ahmed leads the newly-​built Acoustic Robotic Systems Lab (ARSL), located in the Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center at ETH Zurich, and is engaged in developing innovative, cutting-​edge research in micro-​ and nanorobotics for use in life science applications, diagnostics, and translational medicine. Daniel holds Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Engineering Science and Mechanics from Pennsylvania State University (U.S.). He has published 31 peer-​reviewed journal articles, including six original articles in Nature Communication (as first, senior, and corresponding author) and further articles in Nature Machine Intelligence, Science Advances, Science Robotics, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Lab on a Chip, and Analytical Chemistry. He has also contributed in 14 conference proceedings. His research has been featured on the front covers of five reputed journals and highlighted by more than 100 media outlets. Currently, Dr. Ahmed has an H-​index of 24 and an i10-​index of 30, and his research has been cited more than 3800 times. In 2019, he was awarded an ERC Starting Grant on Acousto-​Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots for Biomedical Applications (SONOBOTS); he has also been awarded multiple grants as an independent principal investigator, such as an ETH Zürich Career Seed Grant and an ETH Internal Grant. In addition, he was selected as one of ten winners of the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year 2021 in Engineering and Technology.